Automatic Interview using Humanoid Bots

Transforming Remote Interview with a human like experience


Automatic Hiring at Scale using Humanoid Bots and Deep Analytics


Automated Interviews

Screening at Light Speed

  • Facial-Audio Emotion Analysis
  • Personality Analysis
  • Aptitude Analysis
  • Live Programming / Coding
  • Unbiased Screening
Discover More

What makes Autoview different?


Supported Job Roles

Humanoid Bots

Personalities to test

Founders featured in:
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Amazing Features

Features that actually save time and money

Support 24/7

A support Team for you that is listening to your messages 24x7. Always at your service.

User Friendly

A user Friendly and adaptable user interface in both light and dark modes.


Get email notifications for any category of alert you wish to be notified.


Easy Accesibility along with public candidate report links so you don't wait for authorization to screen.

Cost Control

Our AI system will automatically notify you if your cost is going way above your average credit expenditure.

Humanoid Bots Experience

Our Platform is all equiped to serve you automatically with embedded AI proctoring and you can always use our bots to automate your processes.

Early Access Beta Platform pricing plans tailored to your needs.

Our Pricing is simple and flat. No need to spend in 3 digits anymore.

  • Flat Pricing
  • $99
  • Per Month
  • 200 Candidates
  • First month free
  • All features included
  • Enterprise

  • Custom Pricing

  • As per Need
  • Contact Us
  • Save upto 30% with this plan
  • First month free
  • All features included

Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions we hear too often.

What is Person8 AI?

Person8 AI is SaaS Solution Provider that helps you automate your bussiness process using our Humaoid Bots Technology along with many other Artificial Intelligence Leverages.

Waht is Autoview?

Autoview is hiring automation SaaS solution for companies that spend weeks screening or assessing candidates. Autoview allows you to create 4 in 1 assessments (skills, aptitude, personality and soft skills) which are conducted by our Humanoid Bots.

What is Person8 Chatbots?

Person8 Chatbots are multi-purpose visual chatbots that can be integrated on any website or customer support point to engage or help your users.

Can we use your Bots to narrate any sentence?

Yes any sentence, with emotions and feelings, but provided that the sentence is not offensive to any religion, political entity, person, cast, gender, community or alike.

Contact Us

Have any queries? Get in touch today.

By submitting your information, you agree to Person8 Terms of Use and representatives may contact you. We value your privacy.